Nous pouvons aussi organiser un séjour autour du thème de la peinture.

Avec Monique Maday : après des études d’art, des années de vie à Amsterdam et de nombreux voyages d’inspiration dans le monde, Moti vit aujourd’hui principalement en Suisse, sur les rives du Lac Léman. On peut trouver ses oeuvres dans des collections privées et publiques en Suisse, au Japon, aux USA et aux Pays-Bas, notamment dans les collections Mori, BCV, Crédit Suisse, PTT, Nestlé.


Notre note Tripadvisor

sawdays guide  tripadvisor2017 2 routardbonne table2Le Figaro Magazine

Dernières nouvelles

  • Jusq'au 20 février 2023, merci de prendre contact exclusivement par email à l'adresse
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  • L’automne et ses richesses
    L’automne s’est installé avec ses plaisirs : cueillette, dernières roses, préparation des réserves pour l’hiver et cocooning au coin du feu… Vaulx vous accueille à toutes les saisons...
  • Le Château de Vaulx dans les Guides Rivages 2020
    Les Guides Rivages et iGuide Hotels 2020 recommandent le Château de Vaulx et le classent parmi leur "coup de cœur" !

Ce qu'ils en pensent | What they think

Un château à l’atmosphère délicieuse pour incorrigibles romantiques

"Une demeure au bel esprit XIXe siècle, rénovée avec délicatesse" "Une vue époustouflante" "La restauration intelligente et délicate préserve l’esprit fin XIXe siècle" "Teintes exquises, jolies chambres et belle vaisselle !"

Côté Est, printemps 2010, texte : Virginie Manivet, photos : Marie-Pierre Morel

Lire l'article


What more could you ask for?

Everything about Marty and the chateau is expansive and spectacularly memorable, and the love and flair with which he and Thierry have restored, decorated and furnished their home is heart-warming, as is the generosity with which they share it. The far-reaching views from their hill-top avenue are glorious: it would be very tempting to return and see their wonderful garden and grounds in all

the different seasons. Add to that a charming landscape dotted with mellow old villages and Romanesque churches, grazed by Charolais cattle and alive with birdsong: what more could you ask for?

Alistair Sawday's Special Places to Stay, September 2011


The best place I have ever stayed

Wow. What a bed and breakfast. Marty is the perfect host, making us feel at home, and arranging a light lunch for our 10 year old son as soon as we arrived. We booked in for two sittings of dinner, so that our son could eat early and we could put him to bed and have a grown up dinner in the dining room with our fellow guests. The whole chateau is decorated by interior design expert Marty,

and looks it. Our room was in keeping with the age of the building, interestingly furnished, yet oh so comfy. The modern bathroom appealed after 10 days on a canal boat! The bed linens are divine. My only regret is that we booked in for just a single night stay. The surrounding area is beautiful and I would have loved to have stayed longer at this beautiful place and be spoiled. The breakfast is delicious and plentiful; croissants, yoghurt, ham, cheeses, juice, tea, coffee. The dinner was fine-dining standard. The best place I have ever stayed., R., Perth, Australie, 6 avril 2013



Château de Vaulx
71800 Saint-Julien-de-Civry, France

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