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sawdays guide  tripadvisor2017 2 routardbonne table2Le Figaro Magazine

Ce qu'ils en pensent | What they think

Un château à l’atmosphère délicieuse pour incorrigibles romantiques

"Une demeure au bel esprit XIXe siècle, rénovée avec délicatesse" "Une vue époustouflante" "La restauration intelligente et délicate préserve l’esprit fin XIXe siècle" "Teintes exquises, jolies chambres et belle vaisselle !"

Côté Est, printemps 2010, texte : Virginie Manivet, photos : Marie-Pierre Morel

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Quel lieu habité !

Quel lieu habité ! Et la vue... Courrez-y. Nous sommes déjà revenus plusieurs fois : jamais déçus. De l'accueil de Marty à la décoration raffinée mais "campagne" des chambres, en passant par sa cuisine, tout est parfait. , Nathalie D., un week-en en famille, 18/09/2013


Expansive and spectacularly memorable

"Another magical visit. We arrived in pouring rain, but what better consolation than to be welcomed by our warm-hearted host, Marty, and invited to cosy up by an enormous roaring fire before being served a candle-lit dinner in the gorgeous drawing room? Next day the sun came out and we were able to marvel at the wildflower meadows cascading down from the avenue of limes

overlooking the rolling charolais landscape. Our fellow-guests that evening were a delightful young couple who became engaged on the terrace, and I can think of no more perfect little piece of heaven in which to receive a proposal! Thanks Rosie. What an amazing find! We were thrilled by our visit and long to return.

Just before we arrived we had a slight accident involving a local motorist and - our French not being quite up to the occasion - we asked her to accompany us to the chateau to get help in translation. Marty was quite wonderful, smoothing ruffled feathers and charming everyone with so much warmth, kindness and impish humour that we all relaxed, and instead of it spoiling our holiday we felt so looked after that we look back on our visit as a highlight of our trip. Everything about Marty and the chateau is expansive and spectacularly memorable, and the love and flair with which he and Thierry have restored, decorated and furnished their home is heart-warming, as is the generosity with which they share it. The far-reaching views from their hill-top avenue are glorious: it would be very tempting to return and see their wonderful garden and grounds in all the different seasons. Add to that a charming landscape dotted with mellow old villages and Romanesque churches, grazed by charolais cattle and alive with birdsong: what more could you ask for?"

Alistair Sawday's Special Places to Stay, Rosie and Roger, September 2011 and May 2012



Château de Vaulx
71800 Saint-Julien-de-Civry, France

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