Léon Geoffray, né en 1852 et mort en 1927, est un diplomate français à l'origine de l'Entente cordiale, puis ambassadeur de France à Madrid.

Premier étage de la dépendance, adjacent au château.

  • Antichambre faisant office de salon privatif ou chambre avec deux lits simples selon disposition de la pièce.
  • Grande chambre avec un grand lit pour deux personnes.
  • Cheminée.
  • Salle de douche privative avec toilettes séparées, penderie et rangements.
  • Grand balcon sud.
  • Magnifique vue sur la vallée du Brionnais, sur la cour du château et le parc.
  • Accès par escalier extérieur.
  • Pour 2 à 4 personnes.


  • 1 nuit : 175,-€ pour deux personnes, petit déjeuner compris.
  • 2 nuits ou + 160,-€/nuit pour deux personnes, petit déjeuner compris.
  • Suppléments le cas échéant : chauffage (10,-€/nuit) et éventuelle remise en état.
  • Lit supplémentaire : 35,-€/nuit.
  • Taxe communale : +2% du séjour.
  • Ménage, linge, eau, électricité, internet et accès à la piscine compris.

Conditions de réservation


Notre note Tripadvisor

sawdays guide  tripadvisor2017 2 routardbonne table2Le Figaro Magazine

Ce qu'ils en pensent | What they think

We wished we were staying longer

We wished we were staying longer, with so much to see and do in the area another day or two enjoying staying at the Chateau de Vaulx would have been a great end to our French holiday. The chateau is beautiful, comfortable and well furnished. We could have looked at the view all day. Marty is a most welcoming host, and also a good cook.

We watched some of the preparations for our delicious dinner of fish with aubergines and tomato, risotto, cheese and poached spiced pears, all really great. The grounds are beautiful with avenues of trees, lots of flowers, a vegetable garden and alo a lap pool. We hope to go back, and greatly recommend it.

www.tripadvisor.com ,
SueinLondon, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 7 septembre 2013


My princess loved it

 My princess loved our short stay. Marty is a very gracious host. We were lucky to have our room upgraded so we could enjoy the fantastic view. Fear not, the magnificent views are also enjoyable from the terrace where we had breakfast, even though the cosy dining room was very tempting. Highly recommended.

www.tripadvisor.com , MA, Montréal, July 23, 2013


A delightful experience

We stayed six nights at Vaulx while visiting friends in the area. From the first minute that Marty welcomed us we were home. Our room was charming and well restored. The views in every direction were breath taking. Breakfast was included and it was a full Dutch type rather than French continental.

www.tripadvisor.com, archana, le 9 juin 2009



Château de Vaulx
71800 Saint-Julien-de-Civry, France

E-mail : barry@chateaudevaulx.com Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Téléphone : +33 7 88 34 84 94

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